Approval of organisation of workshop and activities


It can be back ... for groups of up to 20 people. We received government approval this week to organise workshops and activities for customers. It is back allowed to bring together smaller groups of up to 20 people, from 1 July it could even be up to 50 people. Check out our new original activities we recently added to

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Corona Proof activities

Just a bit more patience... At the moment, we unfortunately do not yet have government approval to organise events. Chances are that from 1 July it will be allowed again to bring smaller groups together. We have just added several new original activities to our offer! But much more importantly, we are also currently working hard on a 'corona proof'

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Bijlwerpen with Icelandair

Initiation axe throwing

On 18 September 2019, the staff of airline Icelandair gathered for a workshop on axe throwing. A team-building event, with the theme of Vikings. We can look back on a very successful day. What is axe throwing? Many people can probably imagine throwing an axe, but nowadays it has become a real sport.

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Fencing with Danone

On 12 March 2020, we organised a fencing workshop for Danone. They met as part of team building. The employees were fully taken care of by bus to a beautiful location in Haspengouw. Below you can read a report on Danone's active company outing. A warm welcome The men and women of Danone were

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Team building Bancontact-Payconic 2019

This month, we organised Bancontact-Payconic's two-day team event for the third time in a row. The team building event took place at one of our newest prime locations. Among other things, they enjoyed our cocktail workshop and percussion workshop. They were also pampered on the culinary front during a 5-course dinner in a starred restaurant followed by a

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Cooking workshop with Cegeka

This week, we organised a Cooking Workshop for 120 people from Cegeka Leuven and Hasselt. In 2015 and 2017, his could already enjoy our Fencing Workshop, a Gin & Tonic workshop, Laser Slide Shooting and Hand Archery at our top locations. This time, we welcomed our guests at Hof ten Steen in Orsmaal. A beautiful location and excellent setting for this

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